What is Sexuality?

A page where you will learn all about sexuality, and what it means to label yourself under a specific sexuality.

Sexuality is a complex aspect of our personality and 'self'. Our sexuality is defined by sexual thoughts, desires and longings, erotic fantasies, turn-ons and experiences. In many ways sexuality is the force that empowers us to express and display strong, emotional feelings for another person and is a natural stimulus for the procreation of our species. The 'thing' that attracts one person to another may not always be sexual - it could be sense of humor, personality, 'likeability', compatibility, or intelligence. Sex or sexuality may only be a secondary consideration. Sometimes, part of our sexuality can be suppressed - some people have sexual desires about particular friends or associates, but don't act on or talk about those desires. Others have general sexual desires or fantasies about people of their own sex (that is, same sex), but don't explore or discuss those thoughts and feelings. 

Why is it all kept so quiet?

Until recently, society's intolerance towards anyone who was not of the sexual 'norm', caused many people to repress their real sexuality. That is, many who knew and felt strongly they were gay remained 'in the closet' so as not to come up against prejudice, 'anti-gay' sentiments, discrimination and even violence. Various prejudices - against race, colour, religion, sex and sexual orientation - have softened over the last 20 years. However, some people (and governments) have remained hard-line and continue to discriminate against particular people for various reasons. No one has yet discovered positively the cause or causes of a person's sexuality - whether it be heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual.